20-6 The Secret of the DEATH of Hiram Abiff – Third Degree of Freemasonry

The road in Masonry is simple, as it is represented by three stations or degrees.

A candidate is first initiated into Free-masonry and becomes an Entered Apprentice. He is under training and young. Surely, he has difficulty in understanding what is going around him.

The second station, which is also called the “midway”, is the Fellow-craft. It is when the Entered Apprentice is leaving his stage of youth and “Passing” into maturity. Maturity always comes with the desire to learn and discover areas that might have been under the young Entered Apprentice’s mind’s detection.

At the Fellow-craft degree, first a mason is a fellow of other brothers, meaning he is …

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20-5 The Dead Sea and “The Widow’s Bag”

Many of you might have heard about the Dead Sea. I lived some thirty minutes west of the Dead Sea, in Jerusalem. The Dead Sea is the Earth’s lowest elevation on land, being 423 meters below Sea level. This is the reason why when we (the Jerusalemites) go to the Dead Sea, we say, “I’m descending to the Dead Sea”.

The Dead Sea, also, is not a Sea at all. It is in fact a lake which is mainly fed by the Jordan River. Since it is the lowest point on land and so much under sea level, it has no outlet. It doesn’t give its waters out. This, among …

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20-4 The Great Architect Of The Universe

In every dedication, every oath, every ritual speech and every forming of the Masonic Lodge we are addressing to the Great Architect Of Universe. At each of our works that I have participated as Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft or as a Master Mason of the Royal Art… I, my brethren, I wonder who he is, or rather, what it is this Great Architect?

Masonic historians, quoting from “Coil’s Masonic Encyclopedia”, claim that the term Great Architect of the Universe comes from a long tradition of using an allegorical name for the Deity. This definition, that entered Masonic tradition in speech, comes from Andersen’s Constitutions from 1723 and it has probably …

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20-3 Veliki Arhitekta Svih Svetova

Pri svakom posvećivanju, svakom zaklinjanju, svakom ritualnom obraćanju u otvorenoj Slobodnozidarskoj loži obraćamo se Velikom Arhitekti ili Neimaru Svih Svetova. Na svakom našem radu kao Učenik, kao Pomoćnik i kao Majstor Kraljevske Umetnosti ja se, Braćo moja, pitam ko je, ili bolje rečeno šta je i šta predstavlja Veliki Arhitekta.

Masonski istoričari, navodeći iz “Kojlove Masonske Enciklopedije”, tvrde da izraz Veliki Arhitekta Univerzuma potiče iz duge tradicije upotrebe ovog alegorijskog naziva za Božanstvo. Ova definicija koja je ušla u tradiciju masonskih obraćanja potiče iz Andersenovih Konstitucija iz 1723. god a koje je on verovatno preuzeo iz Kalvinističkih učenja i terminologije.

Da li je to Bog, neka druga religija? Da …

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20-2 Knez Mihailo kao vizija slobodnih zidara

Jedan od najznamenitijih srpskih vladara knez Mihailo rođen je u Kragujevcu 16.09.1823. Iako je samo rano detinjstvo proveo u Šarenom konaku u Kragujevcu, ipak je mesto rođenja svakog od nas, jedna od čovekovih odrednica kojoj se stalno vraćamo. Pa i knez Mihailo je svoju prvu Skupštinu na Preobraženje održao u Kragujevcu u porti Stare crkve.

Датотека:Knez Mihajlo III Obrenovic.jpg

Idealista i romantičar po prirodi, sa usvojenim liberalizmom prosvećenog Zapada, Mihailo je bio oduševljen događanjima u Francuskoj gde je svuda klicalo „Sloboda, jednakost, bratstvo!“. Gajio je nadu da će taj talas doći do Srbije. Mihailo je bio pod snažnim uticajem oca Miloša, pa kaže: „Kaže mi babo, moj Miahilo da se održiš među ljudima, moraš …

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20-1 Solsticijum

Koliku radost ume da pričini samo jedna zvezda, pevao je Dragan Dragojlović. To se naročito može reći za Nјegoševu «Dnevnu zvezdu», nama najbližu i najdražu – Sunce. Zahvalјujući njegovim toplim zracima postoji život na Zemlјi i stari narodi su ga obožavali posmatrajući ga kao veoma moćnog i važnog boga. Posebno je na legende i shvatanja starih naroda uticalo opadanje njegove moći, odnosno skraćivanje trajanja dana u jednoj polovini godine, od leta do zime, i obnova snage u drugoj. To je dovelo do mitova o božanstvu koga ubijaju a ono zatim vaskrsava, kao što je to Oziris u Egiptu ili Dionizije u staroj Grčkoj, kao i do ritualnih misterija njima …

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